Covid-19 Management and Health Protocol
By:Mike B
Date Published:22-May-2020
purpose of this document is to serve as a strict guideline in ensuring that the
school environment is safeguarded from the spread of COVID 19, The main pillars
in the guidelines adopted is based on 5 factors in the planning, execution and
reporting and continued evaluation.
- Risk Assessment of COVID 19 at the
college campus
- Early Intervention safeguard and
prevention of spread
- Continuous Monitoring of learners and
- Saving the academic year without
disadvantaging any learner
- Education creating a lot of
awareness about COVID 19
- Engage and working closely with the
local municipal and health department in ensuring that the college
workspace is safe for students and staff.
- The college will make use employ
services of private OHS risk evaluation and preparation of the work place
in accordance with the regulations pertaining to COVID regulations
- The risk assessment should evaluate
the risk according to each site/venue in terms of standard health
protocols to be followed to prevent the risk of spreading COVID 19 at the
College. Management of workspaces from the reception area, administrative
offices, staff rooms, classrooms, toilets, kitchen, and common areas such
as student lounge and any other areas outside designated offices and
- All college campuses and branches
will secure deep cleaning and sanitizing material and appoint a competent
person/company to provide a deep cleaning of the venues before the return
of Management staff. At the end of the deep cleaning a report must be
issued after the place has been sanitized.
By: Mike B
Campus Director
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